It is vital that you read and follow directions so you do not get charged anything extra. If you have any questions, please reach out.
The software we are using for registration offers a protection plan which we cannot remove. Please make sure to read carefully when paying so you don't end up paying for the protection plan.
If you have not done so yet, please make sure to whatsapp or text your name to 347.533.2138 so that we can add you to the new TDC phone and you can get all updates!
The software we are using for registration offers a protection plan which we cannot remove. Please make sure to read carefully when paying so you don't end up paying for the protection plan.
If you have not done so yet, please make sure to whatsapp or text your name to 347.533.2138 so that we can add you to the new TDC phone and you can get all updates!